coming soon

Complete creatives tasks in 24 hours and get payed

Bounties is for getting work done fast. With Bounties a business can create a task and get help from creatives in less than 24 hours.


Calebro from CreativeFuego is looking for help with

Designing a Landing pageThis bounty is worth $500 and expires in 13 hours

How bounties work

Bounties is a simple way to get work done quickly. Here is how it works.

Step 1

Sign up as a business

Sign up to CreativeFuego as a business.

Step 2

Create a bounty

Create a bounty and get help from creatives in less than 24 hours.

Step 3

Get help from creatives

A qualified creative will help you with your bounty.

Step 4

Complete the deal

Collaborate and Pay the creative after work is done